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  • Brainspotting

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    Brainspotting is a gentle but powerful way to engage the body’s natural healing capacity in order to safely access traumatic memories stored beyond the thinking brain and deep in the subcortical, primitive region. It’s a body-based form of advanced focused mindfulness that uses the eyes to locate, process and integrate emotional and somatic pain so we can make sense of what’s happened, stay safe and connected in the present and feel hopeful about the future. 

    During a brainspotting session, biolateral music can be used to help integrate left and right brain hemispheres and provide a soothing environment for distressing material to be safely processed and consolidated into long-term memories. 

    • Panic Attacks
    • Complicated Grief
    • Dissociative Orders
    • Disturbing Memories
    • Phobias
    • Pain Disorders
    • Performance Anxiety
    • Addictions
    • Stress Reduction
    • Sexual and/or Physical Abuse
    • Body Dysmorphic Disorders
    • Personality Disorders
    • Substance Use Disorders

    Clients often report having “new thoughts” that reflect a resource model of healing along with a deeper sense of wellbeing. This includes the sense that the distressing memories are still present but the emotional pain is greatly reduced.

    Brainspotting grew out of the EMDR protocols and was created by Dr. David Grand, who discovered that “where you look affects how you feel.”

    The Newton/Sandy Hook Community Foundations assessment of therapy modalities deemed brainspotting to be the most effective intervention among 32 modalities mentioned, as reported those impacted by the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary school.

    What is a Brainspot? from VidPros on Vimeo.

    Links to research on brainspotting – What is a Brainspot? – Who does Brainspotting work with? – As a client, why choose Brainspotting? – As a therapist, why train in Brainspotting? – What is the future of Brainspotting?

    David Grand